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The Musings of The Curious Wolf

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The four quadrants of happiness illustration

A Reflection On Happiness

August 09, 20243 min read

Happiness - what does it mean to you? It’s a funny old term, I think, as it can be taken in so many different ways and can mean many different things to many people.

Is it an aim in life, should it be? Is it transient or can it be the bedrock of our day to day?

”Happiness depends upon ourselves” said Aristotle. do you agree? I do!

For a long time I believed that a feeling of contentment would be a good aim to have, but, now, I’ve changed my mind. Happiness can seem to be too much about a moment of satisfaction rather than a way of being but to truly bring it into each day I believe all four of the areas in the diagram need to be in alignment and then we can be happy in all of the little moments. And that's certainly something to aim for, don't you think?

So, what are the four areas and how can we reflect on them? Journalling on the four areas below would be time very well spent and a great step towards connecting more fully with your essential self.

Pleasure - do you actively bring what you love into each and every day? Time to look out those joy lists again! If you haven't ever written a joy list, now is the perfect time. Think of between 15 and 20 things that bring YOU joy every day. Not big things, all of the little joys such as, for me, a really good coffee, a walk in nature with my dogs, time to read a gripping book . . . Now that you have your list, identify three things that you can enjoy every day and commit to doing so. There you go, you have your first joy list!

Meaning - are you contributing to the greater good? By holding a door open, by saying hello, by smiling at a stranger - you are! It’s the small things that count as well as the larger acts of charity & sacrifice. Do you think of how you can actively help others as you go through your day? How you can make a difference?

Balance - ah, the million dollar question! Are you working towards balance in your life? Work/Life? Family/Self? Health/Hedonism? Well, maybe not full blown hedonism but you know what I mean! Balance is one of the trickiest things to maintain in our fast, everything, everywhere all at once modern day lifestyle. Slow down, switch off - even if just for a while. It will make a difference. I no longer take my phone with me when I walk my dogs, it's a start!

Engagement - are you engaging in activities that serve you well? Spending time with people who lift you up & inspire you? We can often be so busy that we can find that we are filling everyone else's bucket rather than our own. Make time to engage in the activities that bring you joy, that make you feel like you, that give you a sense of who you are at your core.

”Being happy isn’t about having everything in your life be perfect. Maybe it’s about stringing together all the little things.”

I hope you are finding your happiness every day, I’d love to hear how you feel about it - my inbox is always open to you.

Founder of The Curious wolf, Suzanne loves nothing more than waxing lyrical about all things to do with creative writing.

Suzanne Ulph

Founder of The Curious wolf, Suzanne loves nothing more than waxing lyrical about all things to do with creative writing.

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